Advanced model cases


The model has been created with a broad level of abstraction and sufficient flexibility to allow it to be applied in multiple interactive projects. The options are infinite and it is up to the designers to apply an adequate logic to their purposes.

On the following figures I show more variations of the model using more than one sensor and/or font axis: _config.yml Model with one sensor and two axes You can see an example on this prototype with one sensor data applied to three different axes.

_config.yml Model with two sensors and one axis

_config.yml Model with two sensors and two axes You can see an example on this prototype with two sensors applied to different fonts and axes.

_config.yml Model with a sensor that records binary values and a binary axis

The combinations are infinite. It depends on the nature of the project and the communication purposes. It is specially relevant the last example since it doesn’t use a numeric value. I will show you on following posts the possibilities of variable fonts to improve signification from non numeric data as text.

Written on December 15, 2019